As the owner of a GM car about to get collision repair, you need to know that GM is very specific about their repair procedures. It is vital because not every auto body shop in this area follows the OEM procedures. Believe it or not, the body shop has a...
Mercedes-Benz’s Position on Genuine Replacement Parts
From the invention of the crumple zone to countless innovations in occupant protection and accident avoidance, the safety firsts of Mercedes-Benz often set a standard that all automobiles eventually follow. In maintaining the highest standards, MBUSA provides MBUSA-Certified Collision Repair Facilities with critical information pertaining to collision repair/parts replacement on Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Mercedes-Benz vehicles and...
Why Toyota Cares So Much About the Quality of Your Auto Body Repair, And So Should You
Toyota and the quest for brand loyalty after a repair Certain brands have very loyal followings, Volkswagen, Subaru, and Toyota come to mind. Toyota and Subaru are sold as long-lasting, trouble-free vehicles, and the people who buy them tend to keep them in service for many years. Because of their...
Toyota To Body shops: OEM Position Statements Are A Direct Order, And Why That Matters
An issue with the auto collision repair and the insurance industry seems to be the notion that OEM repair procedures are merely recommendations. They are not. Toyota procedures are based on best practice and company research. It is important that customers know this. Toyota has repair information for technicians...
More Insurers Using Photo Estimates In 2020 And Why That May Be Bad For You
If you’ve just been in an accident, you may have been asked by your insurance company to submit a photo estimate. In order to do so, you may have had to download an app built by your insurance company, or you may have submitted photos online. What happens...