Volvo Car USA does not approve of the use of aftermarket replacement parts. All the parts in a Volvo vehicle are responsible for specific functions. Genuine Volvo parts have been optimized for safety, structural integrity and fit. Aftermarket parts are not subjected to the same testing and requirements and may...
Volvo does not endorse reconditioning Volvo wheels
Volvo Car USA does not approve the use of reconditioned Volvo wheels or any type of process that attempts to restore damaged wheels on Volvo vehicles. Doing so may result in loss of vehicle control and injury or death to passengers. When it comes to a damaged wheel, replacement is...
Volvo does not endorse reconditioning Volvo wheels
Volvo Car USA does not approve the use of reconditioned Volvo wheels or any type of process that attempts to restore damaged wheels on Volvo vehicles. Doing so may result in loss of vehicle control and injury or death to passengers. When it comes to a damaged wheel, replacement is...